The primary objective of this project is to create tangible open educational resources that promote the development of employability skills among youth. These innovative intellectual outcomes will be in the form of pedagogical and methodological guides, enabling the production of green educational escape rooms. Additionally, six physical green educational escape rooms will be established in Serbian, Spanish, Greek, and English languages. The project aims to enhance the following skills in young individuals: critical thinking and problem-solving, teamwork and collaboration, professionalism and a strong work ethic, communication, and leadership.
These open educational resources, designed with a focus on green practices, will be developed as learning scenarios that augment the employability skills of youth. Furthermore, these resources will be thematized to promote and raise awareness of responsible environmental practices among young people. Each escape room will tackle a specific green topic selected based on the highlights of the EU Green Deal. The game elements within each escape room will be intentionally designed to address and cultivate effective responses to climate change among young individuals. By solving these “green puzzles,” young people will not only increase their awareness of environmental issues but also enhance their employability skills in collaboration with their peers.
The project will yield the following outcomes:
- Methodological Guide: This guide will provide detailed instructions for fostering employability skills among young individuals through environmentally responsible physical educational escape rooms.
- Pedagogical Guide: The pedagogical guide will offer educational escape room scenarios that focus on environmentally responsible practices for young people.
- Employability Toolkit: This open educational resource will be published in a digital format as six e-modules, available for download as PDFs. The toolkit will provide comprehensive materials and resources to enhance employability skills among youth.
Partnership: Udruženje Svetlost (RS), C.I.P. CITIZENS IN POWER (CY), Asociación Europa 2020 (ES)
Website: TBC
Facebook page:
Duration: January 1st, 2023 – December 31st, 2024 (24 months)
Project Number: 2022-2-RS01-KA220-YOU-000092158
Project was supported by Tempus foundation, Serbian National Agency for youth

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